Life at 345
After school clubs

A highlight of the children’s week, our after-school classes are teacher led, designed to be varied and educational as well as fun!


Monday – Cookery 

Exploring healthy recipes linked to different celebrations, seasons and geographies. The children learn about balanced diets & how to use simple utensils and tools. All cooking is sugar free.

Tuesday – Science Club

Every week, a new experiment offers an opportunity for risk taking and curiosity. As well as encouraging children to ask ‘why?’, the club helps children learn to follow instructions, make predictions and observe changes.

Wednesday – Dancing, Singing, Acting

Led by Mr Alex, an external music and drama teacher, children get involved in all aspects of theatre. The children create short films, musicals or live shows for parents, getting involved every stage – including in making props, costumes and programmes.

Thursday – Sports Club

An active session led by Coach Pedro. The children work on their gross motor skills and co-ordination. They focus on ball skills, including throwing, catching, kicking and of course having lots of fun.

Friday – Geeky Gamers and Coding

A class designed to help children develop their problem solving skills via board games, solving puzzles and using Beebots and Scratch Junior tools. As well as developing early programming skills, activities reinforce their ability to focus, collaborate and follow rules.

From Sept 2023- July 2024, all classes are priced at £340 per term.
Ad hoc drop-ins are available at £45 per session.